
Monthly Report Archive

Monthly Report

YBSA Montly Report March 2023

YBSA Monthly Report February 2023

Storage: Storage is at 83% of average. Reservoir storage is at 49% of average. At this time, water in the 5 reservoirs is currently 518,000 acre/feet, last year it was 772,000 acre/feet, and the average is 578,000 acre/feet over the last decade. National Resources Conservation Service snotel (snowpack telemetry) SWE (snow water equivalent) is at 96% of average in the upper basin and 83% in the Naches Basin.

Environmental Conditions: As reported in the Northern Kittitas County Tribune Feb 16th edition:

The U.S. Drought Monitor shows adversely dry conditions in Kittitas, Yakima, and Benton Counties. The Seasonal Temperature Outlook is lower than average. And the Seasonal Precipitation Outlook is above average. (See charts below).

YBSA Monthly Report January 2023

Storage: The amount of stored water in the 5 reservoirs is at 47% of average. The amount of water at this time is way below last year and below average over the last decade. Mountain rainfall from October through January at the 5 reservoirs is 30% of average.

Natural Resources Conservation Service Snow Telemetry (NRCS SNOTAL): The snow water equivalent for the upper basin is at 94% and 85% at the Naches Basin.

Forecast: The forecast through late January shows a probability for above normal temperatures and above normal precipitation. The U.S. drought monitor indicates a continuation of the drought. For addition information Click Here.

Fish Habitat & Passage Projects: Projects for fish habitat and passage continue but do not include additional increase for instream flow.

YBSA Monthly Report December 2022

Storage: The volume of water in all 5 reservoirs is at 42% of average (1991-2020). The amount stored at this point in time is way below the amount stored last year. Snowpack (Snow Water Equivalent) is less than 100% in the Naches corridor and more than 110% in the upper basin.

Fish Passage: The Yakama Nation awarded about $4.8 million in grants to improve fish passage in the Yakima River Basin. Improvements in the Yakima River should improve the number of resident fish and increase the salmonoids which return up the river.

2022: It was an unusual year. Climate change affected our basin. The agricultural industry had delays and a smaller yield. Water for agriculture and fish was adequate, but more water in the Yakima River would have created a larger number of returning salmonoids.

2023: The Yakima Basin Storage Alliance wishes everyone a happy and prosperous New Year. Continued cooperation between all stakeholders will ensure successes in providing water for instream flow (fish) and out of stream use (agriculture).

YBSA Monthly Report November 2022

Storage: Current reservoir storage is at 39%. It is less than last year at this time and is at average compared to the last several years.

River flow: The flow in the Yakima River continues to be low. Irrigation season is over so return flow to the lower Yakima River does not help increase the volume.

Meeting with Bureau of Reclamation (BOR): Five members of the Yakima Basin Storage Alliance (YBSA) met with Tom Tebb, Ecology, Wendy Christensen, Yakima BOR, and Jennifer Karrington, Northwest Regional Director from BOR Idaho, who attended through Zoom. Charlie de La Chapelle presented a detailed report on the progress made over the years in the Yakima River Basin on water issues. He emphasized the need for an annual supply of water for agriculture and fish. Improvements have been made, but there needs to be a better way to provide additional water to the basin including the use of the Columbia River. Bob Hall pointed out how important water is to the area since the economy is based on how our supply of water supports businesses, industries, and families.

YBSA applauds BOR for their efforts to solve the needs of the Yakima River Basin. Conservation, habitat improvements, and fish passage including the catch and haul of salmonoids have greatly enhanced the Yakima Basin. The Yakima Basin still needs additional water to ensure the Basin’s way of life.

YBSA Monthly Report October 2022

Storage: The five reservoirs are at 33% of capacity which is a little more than the stored amount from last year at the same time. Lake Cle Elum, the largest reservoir, is at 29%. Inflow of water to the reservoirs is at 423 cubic feet per second (cfs) and releases are at 655 cfs.

River Flow: The flow in the lower Yakima River continues to be low and water temperatures during the summer were hazardous to the survival of salmonoids. Part of the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan (YBIP) is to increase the survival and population of returning salmonoids in the Yakima River. Their approach has been holy inadequate. See the article: Rising temperatures will shift timing of water availability, amplifying vulnerabilities in Columbia River Basin over next 20 years.

Fish Recovery: Grant awards were made by a state board for salmon recovery. Nearly $76 million was awarded including funds for the Yakima River Basin. The article about this award can be found in the September 29, 2022 Northern Kittitas County Tribune. Federal officials visited Rimrock Lake to announce $400K boost for a fish project. The article about this award can be found by clicking on the Yakima Herald link.

All the proposed projects would be more successful with additional water in the Yakima Basin. Don’t forget all the benefits that could be achieved with additional water from the Columbia River. Remember your vote is very important!

YBSA Monthly Report September 2022

Storage: Water available in all reservoirs is at 40%. Lake Cle Elum capacity is at 31% and the fish passage project continues. Release flow from the five reservoirs is at 3076 cubic feet per second (cfs) and river flow at Prosser is at 520 cfs.

Planning for Increasing Storage for the Yakima Basin: In 2000 efforts to increase the amount of water for the Yakima Basin included increase storage capabilities in the Basin and acquiring water from the Columbia River. With climate change, additional water availability in the Basin has decreased. Annual supply depends on snowpack and what is possible from additional storage. Instream flow has been minimal and returning salmonoids returning to the Yakima River is very low due to the warm water and low flows in the river.

Planning so far by the Integrated Plan Work Group has continued with funding for more habitat and fish passage. The recent Sockeye run in the Columbia River have not returned to the Yakima River due to insufficient water. Click Here for “Record Sockeye Run Didn’t Reach Yakima” from the Yakima Herald-Republic.

Additional funding is becoming available that can be used in the Basin for habitat improvements and fish passage. It does not include water for fish passage for returning salmonoids.

Salmon Recovery Funds: In the article “Unprecedented Funds Aid Yakima Basin Projects” funding is planned to improved fish habitat and fish survival in the upper Yakima Basin. Improvements are needed but will only benefit fish recovery if more water is available in the Basin for fish passage and survival. Click Here for complete Yakima Herald-Republic article.

YBSA Monthly Report August 2022

Storage: The reservoirs in the Yakima Basin are at 58% of capacity. The amount of water remaining is more than last year at this time. Releases of water from the reservoir is 7 times more than intake to the reservoirs. The remaining volume of water in the reservoirs is sufficient to provide 100% of the water necessary for out of stream use.

Lower Yakima River: Minimum flow in the lower Yakima River creates hazards for fish that remain in the river and Salmonoids that return to the habitat in the upper Yakima Basin. Extremely hot temperatures have increased the water temperature so survival and passage for fish has been nearly eliminated. The runoff releases from the five reservoirs provides water for agriculture, but little water for fish passage and habitat.

Planning for the Future: The Yakima River Basin Enhancement Project (YIP) should spend its resources on improving the reliability of water to maintain sufficient levels for fish and agriculture.

Possible Drought: Increases in moisture this year has not lessened the severity of last year’s drought. Insufficient planning in California has created a trememdous problem for agriculture and lifestyle. Preparations are needed for the Yakima Basin to survive a multiyear drought. The story “Drought persists in PNW, thought it’s not as severe as last year” from the Yakima Herald points out the need to plan to do more than improving habitat. Click Here for full article.

YBSA Monthly Report July 2022

YBSA Monthly Report
July 2022

Storage: The storage graph displayed on the Bureau of Reclamation storage site ( shows a greater amount of water in storage than normal for this time of year. It is at 86% of capacity.

Fish Hatchery: Congratulations to the Yakama Nation for a successful 25 years of hatching salmonoids to increase the salmon population in the Yakima River.

River Enhancement: A project to remove Nelson Dam to enhance fish passage is progressing. The flow of the Naches River will be enhanced by creating gravel beds for fish survival.

Another project will create the flow of the river from the Selah Gap to Union Gap to provide better fish passage and survival. Removal of dikes to open the floodplain to create habitat for fish will also be completed.

Yakima River Canyon: The Bureau of Land Management has purchased land along the Yakima River in the Yakima River Canyon to enhance habitat and create additional recreational activity areas.

Lower Yakima River: The Yakima River flow is at a minimum for fish survival. Excessive heat and warm water have decreased the number of fish in the river. The reservoirs are releasing 3 ½ more water than the amount filling the reservoirs.

YBSA Monthly Report June 2022

Storage: All 5 reservoirs are at 100% capacity. This is the time of the summer when the Yakima Basin water availability is supplemented by the releases from all 5 reservoirs.

Water Graph: The graph of total system storage shows current storage is slightly greater than last year at this point of time. The water intake in the reservoirs is now less than the water being released. The Yakima River flow needs to provide water for irrigation and for fish survival in the river.

Yakima River: The flow in the lower Yakima River has reached flood state for the first time in 2022. Snow melt is currently at a minimum at the present time.