YBSA Monthly Report March 2022
YBSA Monthly Report
March 2022
Storage: The five reservoirs are at 85% capacity which will provide 1/3 of the water for agriculture in the Yakima Basin.
Water Availability for the Yakima Basin: The Bureau of Reclamation report indicates water will be available for agriculture and instream flow for fish. The snowpack water equivalent in the upper basin in Kittitas County is at 79% and in the Naches is at 80%. Predictions show potential drought conditions will occur in the western part of the United States. Long range plans need to be discussed to find a solution for water storage for the future of the Yakima Basin.
Potable Water: The lower Yakima Valley ground water area has high nitrates in many wells. The Department of Ecology is contacting these residents with high nitrates in their well water with a project to provide bottled water to the residents affected. More information will become available in the future.
Storage Projects: No projects have been found to be viable to provide enough water for the future of agriculture and fish for the Yakima River Basin.