Monthly Report Archive

YBSA Monthly Report June, 2013

YBSA Monthly Report

June, 2013


YBSA Met with the Benton County Commissioners: YBSA Chair Sid Morrison addressed the Benton County Commissioners at the January 25th board meeting concerning the adequacy of the surface storage element in the Yakima River Basin Integrated Water Resource Management Plan. There needs to be a verification of the water supply listed in the Integrated Plan and compare it to the value of a water supply from the Columbia River. A comparison of the Integrated Plan Storage Element and the Yakima River Storage Study was presented. With the possibility of after 20 to 30 years some storage projects listed in the Integrated Plan may no be built, the Yakima Basin will still be short of the water needed for agriculture, fish, and municipal growth.


A public-private partnership using surplus wind energy could assist in providing a cost effective way of pumping and storing Columbia River water for use in the Yakima Basin. YBSA requested financial support to hire a consultant to verify water availability and needs in the Yakima Basin in the future.


New storage is the only solution for the Yakima River Basin.

Yakima River Storage Study Provides           Integrated Plan Storage Element Provides

1.3 million acre/feet in an active storage      Kachess 200,000 acre/feet

Reservoir (Black Rock) with at least              Wymer 162,000 acre/feet

800,000 acre/feet of water available             Bumping 156,000 acre/feet

when completed                                                 Total 518,000 acre/feet

of water when all storage projects are completed


For the completed comparison see New Storage is the only Solution for the Yakima River Basin.


Columbia River Policy Advisory Group Meeting:

I.   Aquifer Storage Recovery –      some of the issues that have to be clarified prior to injecting water into      an aquifer:

  1. Doesn’t degrade aquifer?
  2. Permit to use water?
  3. Water put in aquifer becomes state water?
  4. Quality of water injected?
  5. Drinking water standards or not?


II.  Columbia River Treaty      Overview – BPA and others are preparing recommendations for the Department      of State that includes:

  1. Irrigation a top priority.
  2. Keep hydropower costs low.
  3. Flows in the Columbia River and storage needs.
  4. Fish enhancement.
  5. Allocation of water, spring and summer, in and out of stream needs.
  6. Maintain a benefit and cost balance.



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