Monthly Report Archive

YBSA Monthly Report September 2022

Storage: Water available in all reservoirs is at 40%. Lake Cle Elum capacity is at 31% and the fish passage project continues. Release flow from the five reservoirs is at 3076 cubic feet per second (cfs) and river flow at Prosser is at 520 cfs.

Planning for Increasing Storage for the Yakima Basin: In 2000 efforts to increase the amount of water for the Yakima Basin included increase storage capabilities in the Basin and acquiring water from the Columbia River. With climate change, additional water availability in the Basin has decreased. Annual supply depends on snowpack and what is possible from additional storage. Instream flow has been minimal and returning salmonoids returning to the Yakima River is very low due to the warm water and low flows in the river.

Planning so far by the Integrated Plan Work Group has continued with funding for more habitat and fish passage. The recent Sockeye run in the Columbia River have not returned to the Yakima River due to insufficient water. Click Here for “Record Sockeye Run Didn’t Reach Yakima” from the Yakima Herald-Republic.

Additional funding is becoming available that can be used in the Basin for habitat improvements and fish passage. It does not include water for fish passage for returning salmonoids.

Salmon Recovery Funds: In the article “Unprecedented Funds Aid Yakima Basin Projects” funding is planned to improved fish habitat and fish survival in the upper Yakima Basin. Improvements are needed but will only benefit fish recovery if more water is available in the Basin for fish passage and survival. Click Here for complete Yakima Herald-Republic article.