YBSA Monthly Report July, 2006
YBSA Monthly Report
July, 2006
Recreation Study Proposals: YBSA along with the Port of Sunnyside, Benton and Yakima Counties are in the process of choosing a consultant to perform a recreation and economic development analysis of lands around the proposed Black Rock Reservoir. The committee will meet Wednesday, August 2nd to review proposals and rank those proposals 1st, 2nd, and 3rd with the first choice invited for an interview.
Salmon Roundtable: The Yakima Basin Storage Alliance is sponsoring a roundtable on salmon restoration August 15-16 at the Yakima Sun Dome.
Hosted by local businesses, this roundtable is in an opportunity for tribal leaders, growers, natural resources managers, recreationists, environmental policy makers and directors, government agencies, and others to hear about and discuss issues that directly affect the ecological health of the Yakima River Basin, fish and wildlife, farming, community life, water rights and management and related topics.
Additional information on the Roundtable will be distributed soon. Please mark your calendar and attend the conference.
Rosa Sunnyside Joint Board: Sid Morrison and Charlie de la Chapelle were invited to present an update on the progress of the Feasibility Study on Black Rock Reservoir. It was emphasized that there were no fatal flaws found during the recent drilling. The preferred alternatives will be announced in November, 2006 and carried forward to the completion of the study. The environmental review and study will be completed December, 2008. It was also pointed out how important recreations, fish, and power generation is to the cost/benefit ratio that will be developed for the study.
Representative Dan Newhouse pointed out to the Rosa-Sunnyside Joint Board that the people of the Yakima Basin need to speak with one voice to make the Black Rock project happen.
DOE/Storage Study: YBSA discussed with Derek Sandison the progress of the storage study. He indicated that direct pump on demand cannot be done under current rules. The DOE will request that $3.1 million be put in their budget to cover the State’s share of the cost to complete the study. The State plans to hold the BOR to their schedule which is to choose the preferred alternatives by November, 2006 and complete the study in December, 2008.
Presentations: YBSA continues to perform the public relation part of the storage study making presentations to various groups about the real value of the Black Rock Project.
YBSA Monthly Report June, 2006
YBSA Monthly Report
June, 2006
Salmon Restoration Roundtable August 16 & 17: YBSA continues to draw together speakers who will present the importance of Salmon recovery to the Pacific Northwest. Instream flow increases created when the big Black Rock Reservoir becomes operational will create a “homerun for fish in the Yakima Basin” as stated by Jeff Thayer, head of the Yakima office of the State Department of Fish and Game. Speakers representing government, Indian Tribes, and representatives of salmon recovery organizations will speak at the roundtable. The Executive Secretary of the State Building Trades will speak on salmon and jobs.
Yakima River Basin Storage Alternatives Appraisal Assessment: On June 17, YBSA met with the BOR and received the assessment report which eliminated Bumping Lake and the K-K pipeline. Wymer will continue to be studied until November 15 when Black Rock or Wymer will be carried forward.
BOR also held stakeholder meetings and a public meeting to present the results of the alternatives appraisal. The feasibility study will be concluded in December 2008 after the environmental impact review is completed.
Recreation Economic Analysis: A committee comprised of members of YBSA, Yakima County Commissioner Mike Leita, Benton County Commissioner Max Benitz, and Port of Sunnyside Manager Amber Hansen met to develop a process to evaluate the potential economic benefit that recreation around the Black Rock Reservoir would have on the Yakima Basin.
Amber Hansen will chair the committee and prepare and distribute the request for proposal (RFP) by July 14 with a return date of July 28. A consultant will be selected after the July 25 date to do an economic benefits analysis. The RFP could address: 1) Is development reasonable given the fluctuating nature of the reservoir? 2) What are the most realistic comparable sites? 3) What elements would be included in the resort (hotels, restaurants, golf courses, campgrounds, etc.) and residential development? 4) Appraisal level costs by element.
Phase 1 of the study will be completed by September 15 and will be in the BOR’s November 15 report.
An update on the Black Rock study was presented to TRIDEC Agriculture committee. Discussion included how Black Rock would fit with the Columbia River Initiative.
Discussion continues with Jay Manning, Director of the Department of Ecology, about DOE’s role in the Columbia River Initiative and the salmon roundtable.
The YBSA Finance Committee met to develop a plan for creating the successful conclusion of the Feasibility Study of the Black Rock Reservoir and generating the monies needed to complete the plan. Discussion will continue at the next executive committee meeting.
YBSA executive committee will meet July 10 at 3:30 pm followed by the board meeting at 5:30 pm. The meetings will be held at New Vision in Yakima.
YBSA minutes 6/5/06
Present: Sid Morrison, Bob Hall, Tom Carpenter, Chuck Klarich, Robbie Stolz, David Bowen, Ron Rhielander, Charlie de La, guests: Derek Sandison-DOE, Kim McCartney-BOR.
Charlie-YBSA balance is 18 K, Need to have a finance committee meeting at Bob’s convenience. We are in both the House and Senate Budgets at $2.5 M the best position we have ever been in at this time.
BOR report-
Kim-drilling completed data is being sent to Frank Spaney of PNNL for analysis, draft report due end of June, final due end of July.
Kim-5/25 BOR meeting with Port of Sunnyside, YBSA and Economists from Denver.
Kim-BOR will report back to Amber with comments on list of points from Commissioner Benitz, by 6/15.
Charlie-YBSA needs to have from BOR a list of tasks and timeline and estimated costs for the rest of the study to make reports mesh.
Kim-Assessment report will be mailed out at end of the week=6/9.
Kim-will meet with Sid and YBSA Wed 10:00am to review report before release.
Kim-The Wymer site with Columbia pump report will be out in September.
Chuck-The Wymer Columbia pump is not what YBSA wants.
Sid- Jerry says the cost of the current study is estimated to total $17 million, of which $10 million has been raised at the Federal and State level.
Sid- YBSA will directly confront BOR if the projected benefits are less than 1:1.
Bob-we need to get our hands on the Davis lake tape again
Charlie- I gave it to Todd at Doc’s office, 3/05.
Sid-Derek, what about the State’s limitations on water withdrawal from Columbia in July and August?
Derek-Water availability out of the Columbia depends on funding. The Bill states 1/3 to instream flows and 2/3 to Ag. But Black Rock is an exchange and is water neutral.
Derek-We need to address the additional Study funding required for completion by BOR, from the State.
Bob-YBSA’s job is 2 fold: 1-Validate study and results back to our
Politicians-we have to have the task list + timeline and costs to do so, and 2-Explain the cost overruns.
Robbie-with the task list we need; by whom approval is required and where on the timeline too.
Sid-I tried to get Jay Manning to commit to speak at our Round Table August 15&16, his office answered that as he had been employed by groups opposed to storage in his previous life he could not speak to storage. That is not what the Governor told us, she is very supportive of building storage.
Bob-P/R efforts are lacking what are BOR/DOE doing here?
Derek-P/R has been event driven, which have been just a few outreach events up to now. The SEPA/NEPA process will change the intensity of efforts.
Sid-Jim Waldo spoke at the NWPPC mtg and said that re-watering the Yakima will require stretching resources to enact solutions.
Derek-There is currently a strong debate of flows vs habitat and/or temps.
Tom-I’m getting damned tired of people not seeing the only solution is big Black Rock! We keep spending on small items that keep small offices and jobs funded and done little to solve the real problem! The only effort that has had a major impact is the drain cleanup by Roza+SVID. Big Black Rock is the only one that has enough water to solve the problem!
Kim-YN has resubmitted the proposed contract-it is being reviewed by BOR.
Kim-covered the exposed land map showing the outline of the reservoir size at various drawdown levels.
Chuck-Amber and the Port of Sunnyside are waiting to meet with us to write the RFP.
Bob-it sounds like Yakima County will adapt Tues am, then we get the word to Benton County and they should have their vote Monday next.
Charlie-The consensus of those who attended the BOR meeting was that BOR was not going to come close to the $4B cost estimate in their benefit analysis, part of which is due to the BOR’s P&G requirements. We do have our foot in the door in that the BOR has agreed to add our Recreational Benefits piece to their work. They have told us that Recreation is not their specialty.
Chuck-We need to reevaluate the benefits of not only for Recreation but also power and fish and we will have to be creative to exceed the cost estimate.
Charlie-I am wondering if, to realize the maximum benefits, we may have to engage the private sector. We have heard from some who are in contact with large, interested, private investors, who say they hesitate to invest because the project would run by the BOR. They would rather invest in a responsible entity that has a valid long term business plan and can execute that plan.
Sid-I sense the BOR may not be the horse that builds storage for us.
Charlie-we could use the State to leverage that revaluation, they have more at risk, and are moving on the Columbia River project as the Lead Entity. And they have the money to leverage the BOR.
YBSA Monthly Report May, 2006
YBSA Monthly Report
May, 2006
Salmon Restoration Roundtable: YBSA, with Ted Strong’s leadership, is continuing to work toward a Salmon Restoration Roundtable showing how a big Black Rock Reservoir will benefit salmon recovery in the Yakima River. Speakers, such as Bill Ruchelshaus and Jim Waldo, will be invited to speak.
Meeting with Phil Rigdon: Board members met with Phil Rigdon, Deputy Director of Natural Resources for the Yakama Nation. Phil stated that the Yakama Nation always wonders if what is promised will happen at the end of the day. The history of the promises made to the tribe and the record of keeping those promises has not been good. He also asked the following questions: “Will the plan for Salmon recovery associated with Black Rock provide access to reaches above the present reservoirs? Will a block of water be designated and set aside for fish needs? Will Black Rock’s existence provide sufficient water to create a more normative Yakima River?” He also stated the Yakama’s successful fish supplementation facility (hatchery) at Cle Elum needs a more normative flow of water in the Yakima River. With that flow they think Coho runs can be re-established in the Yakima River. Phil also expressed the concern of the Yakama’s that the cost of Black Rock might reduce or eliminate funding of current programs managed by the Yakama Nation. Sid Morrison stated YBSA wants to follow and support the Yakama Nation’s lead on what the Yakama’s see is required to restore fish.
Breakfast Meeting at Ellensburg: YBSA board members presented a program and an update on the progress of the Black Rock feasibility study at the Ellensburg Small Business Educational breakfast meeting. Kittitas County Commissioner David Bowen organized the meeting which included a good cross-section of people from Kittitas County. Our presentation was well received, and the group voiced their support for the project.
Suncadia Contact: Chuck made contact with Suncadia to discuss a salmon festival this fall in the Cle Elum/Roslyn area. Jean Krisle, Director of Community Relations for Suncadia, attended the Ellensburg presentation and during discussions after the breakfast meeting indicated Suncadia was very interested in working with YBSA to plan and possibly host the festival.
Charlie med with Miles Kolhs from Growers-Shippers and discussed possible funding of the salmon roundtable, the salmon festival, and/or the economic study.
He also talked with Mike Poulsen, a member of Representative McMorris’ staff, about Black Rock.
Charlie made a presentation to New Vision which included an update on the study.
YBSA was notified by Representative Doc Hastings that $2.5 million was included in the House of Representatives budget.
YBSA is continuing our policy of meeting with County Commissioner candidates.
Benton County passed a Resolution supporting a master site plan feasibility analysis at Black Rock reservoir.
Yakima County plans to place the interlocal agreement supporting the master planned resort at Black Rock on the June 6 agenda.
Below is a report of the Recreation Economic Analysis meeting with the Bureau of Reclamation.
Purpose: Discuss analysis of potential benefits of recreation opportunities at the potential Black Rock Dam site.
BOR Representatives: Jerry Kelso, Norbert Reis, Kim Mc Cartney, and the team of Rick Vinton and Jon Platt, economists from the Technical Service Center in Denver
Committee Designing the Proposed recreation development study: Max Benitz, Benton County Commissioner; Mike Leita, Yakima County Commissioner; Amber Hansen, Port of Sunnyside; and YBSA representatives
Answers to the following question posed by the committee should be included in the economic analysis of Black Rock.
How losses incurred because of the lack of water in the Yakima River Basin will be evaluated?
How the gains in the basin will be established once Black Rock Reservoir is operational?
How the Bureau intends to measure the benefit of additional water for salmon recovery? This impacts commercial fishing, sports fishing, recreational benefits and the needs of the Yakama Nation.
How tourism activities both on and near Black Rock Reservoir and in the Yakima Basin will impact agriculture?
How not having to deal with the endangered species act, the clean water act, and other mandates that are geared for fish recovery will allow for a more orderly economic growth in the Yakima Basin?
How additional water will benefit the wine industry creating an atmosphere that will eventually develop into another Napa Valley?
Rick Vinton and Jon Platt, the study team, stated their mandate is to evaluate this project measured on its effect on the national economy, productivity, and goods and services. They also indicated there is a regional economic development account that must be considered by reviewing the impact the project will have on this region. Jon Platt stated the study has to fall within BOR guidelines. Recreation at Black Rock will be similar to other existing reservoirs and our study should use those projections. Jon indicated the committee should look at the following when developing the study: boats; fishing; new development such as boat ramps, marinas, hotels, golf courses and other amenities; distance to travel to the designated resort recreational area; and amount of time spent at the destination should be considered.
Jerry Kelso stated the study prepared by our committee would be included in the BOR economic report. The Bureau indicated that the fish side of the economic study is very important to the cost benefit ratio.
YBSA Monthly Report April, 2006
YBSA Monthly Report
April, 2006
YBSA Roundtable: YBSA is preparing to hold a second roundtable on salmon and water. The forum will emphasize the need for water and how to achieve a balance between salmon and the economy. It will attempt to point out the desire and will of all citizens to work collaboratively to create a solution to solve the problem of sufficient water storage and instream flows. With the assistance of Ted Strong Consulting the roundtable is being planned for sometime in June and will be a two day conference. Invitations will be extended to a number of speakers to present their views on this important issue. Our next monthly report will include the roundtable agenda.
Agreement with Port of Sunnyside: YBSA signed a contract with the Port of Sunnyside to research the economic benefits of Black Rock Reservoir as a recreational site. Black Rock Reservoir has an estimated thirty miles of beaches, has great economic potential from water recreation, and has the potential of a master planned resort.
Port Commissioner Jeff Matson said the goal of the survey is “to help build the case” with the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) officials that Black Rock can be more than a water storage site. Port Commissioner President Arnold Martin stated, “It’s time to move forward with this so the people can see the potential of Black Rock.”
YBSA and the Port of Sunnyside will begin a search immediately for a firm to conduct the study. The value of recreation around Black Rock will be included in the feasibility study being prepared by the BOR. The BOR will assist YBSA and the Port of Sunnyside to complete the value of the recreation study.
from Groups looking into reservoir recreation
This story was published Tuesday, April 11th, 2006
By Elena Olmstead, Herald staff writer
Black Rock Reservoir could be more than a water storage solution for the Yakima Basin.
The project has the potential to make the Mid-Columbia a tourist destination.
Yakima Basin Storage Alliance, the group behind the reservoir project, is looking to Benton and Yakima counties and the Port of Sunnyside to pay for a study outlining the potential economic benefits of building the large basin.
Kim McCartney, storage study manager for the bureau of Reclamation, told the Herald that the agency will conduct its own recreation analysis this summer. He said the Bureau already has looked at the various recreation options available in the area and plans on spending the summer looking at which ones will be available if the reservoir is built.
The bureau wants to investigate whether the benefits from the project will justify its $3.5 billion to $4 billion price tag. The water storage project includes pumping no more than 1.3 million acre feet of water from the Columbia River into a man-made reservoir near the intersection of highways 241 and 24.
Commission Chairman Max Benitz said the study also would address the economic development that would come with the creation of the reservoir.
The man-made lakefront property could prove to be an economic draw, and Benitz said much of the property that lends itself to development is in Benton County.
Benitz told commissioners the proposed study would help “flesh out” the work being done by the Bureau. Cost of the study is estimated at $25,000.
Commissioner Leo Bowman said although he supports the project he was uncomfortable with some of the language in the proposed agreement. He said he’d like the county’s prosecutor’s office and planning and public works departments to review it before commissioners sign it. Commissioners agreed to have staff members look over the agreement and bring their recommendations back to the board.
Amber Hansen of the Port of Sunnyside likened the project to the creation of Lake Mead in the desert near Las Vegas.
“There are communities that didn’t exist until Lake Mead happened,” Hansen said. “Think of the boost that would happen in Benton and Yakima counties. We would become a tourist destination.”
© 2005 Tri-City Herald, Associated Press and other wire services.
Recreation Meeting with BOR: Commissioners from Benton and Yakima Counties along with YBSA and the Port of Sunnyside met with the BOR and Department of Ecology (DOE) to discuss how the value of recreation and resorts constructed around Black Rock Reservoir could be included in the feasibility study.
The developed recreational area needs to be included as another value in the feasibility study. Its importance should be considered in the cost-benefit ratio which will be one of the major factors in the determining whether Black Rock is built At the BOR meeting it was emphasized that the big Black Rock Reservoir was very important to economic development of the Yakima River Basin.
Democratic FDR Dinner: A presentation was made at the Democrats FDR dinner. The presentation included how the Black Rock project is a water exchange program that benefits the environment, fish, agriculture, municipalities and recreation. The presentation was well received. A display was set up at the dinner and a large number of people stopped to look at the display and discuss the benefits of Black Rock.
Senator Lisa Brown, the State Senate Majority Leader, was the keynote speaker. Oscar Cerda, a member of the Governors staff, also spoke. They both supported the concept of the Black Rock project and were pleased with the additional funding to continue the feasibility study that passed the legislature and was approved by the Governor.
Contract: Ted Strong’s contract was renewed for the remainder of 2006.
Contribution to YBSA: Sid Morrison met with Yakima Federal Savings and Loan board chaired by Wally Hall. Yakima Federal made a substantial contribution to YBSA.
Speaking Engagements: YBSA is scheduled to speak on the progress of the Black Rock study in Ellensburg on May 17 and the Tri-Cities in June.
YBSA Monthly Report March, 2006
YBSA Monthly Report
March, 2006
BOR Alternative Evaluation: The BOR has completed the appraisal level hydrologic analysis of the three Yakima River Basin alternatives (Bumping Lake enlargement, Wymer Dam, and the Keechelus – Kachess pipeline). The analysis includes a review of production and protection of fish, water distribution, power production and other water uses in the Yakima River Basin. Once the alternatives report has been approved for release by the BOR the preferred site(s) will be chosen and the final part of the feasibility study will be completed. BOR’s plan is to have the NEPA and SEPA environmental review completed by the end of 2008.
Fish Quantities in the Yakima Basin: Members of YBSA met with Ted Strong and Bob Tuck to discuss the tremendous benefits Black Rock will have on fish as well as water quality and quantity in the Yakima River. A determination needs to be made of the value of increasing salmon recovery in the Yakima River Basin so it doesn’t end up with problems like the Klamath Basin because of the requirements of the Endangered Species Act. The Yakima River, with Black Rock operational, will produce some of the largest runs of salmon in the Pacific Northwest.
Kennewick City Council Presentation: YBSA gave a Black Rock report to the Kennewick City Council. Each council member received a packet which included information on the value of increased flows in the Yakima River for the benefits of fish, economy, and municipal growth. It also included information on how the Umatilla Project improved both the fish returns to the Umatilla River and the amount of water for irrigation purposes even during last years drought. Council members commented on how important the Black Rock Project is to the health, vitality and economy of the Yakima River Basin.
At the Mainstream Republicans: Discussion of the Black Rock project occurred. Two gentlemen expressed their concerns about the cost of the project and why the study is not looking at bringing Klickitat River water to the Yakima Valley.
YBSA Monthly Report January, 2006
YBSA Monthly Report
January, 2006
BOR Alternatives Evaluation: The BOR has distributed to Stakeholders, for discussion only, a report, “Yakima River Basin Alternatives Technical Information and Hydrologic Analysis”. Included in the report are three Yakima River basin alternatives: Bumping Lake enlargement, Wymer Dam and Reservoir, and Keechelus-to-Kachess pipeline. The technical information and hydrologic analysis will be used to determine which alternatives, if any, should be studied further in the Plan Formulation Phase of the Storage Study. These alternatives were formulated to determine if they would provide more storage of Yakima River water for the benefit of irrigation, threatened and endangered fish species, and municipal water supply in the basin. The BOR will decide which alternatives will be carried forward to the Plan Formulation Phase of the Storage Study.
BOR has concluded that, based on current information, a potential Black Rock storage alternative appeared to be technically viable and could meet the water supply goals of the Storage Study. The Black Rock storage alternative is being carried forward into the Plan Formulation Phase.
BOR will meet with the Stakeholders as soon as possible for input on which alternatives if any should be included in the Plan Formulation Phase of the storage study prior to completing it.
Yakima Nation Contract: YBSA is still working to get a contact between the Yakama Nation and BOR completed. The BOR has two more years to complete the Feasibility Study and the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA)-State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The participation by the Yakama Nation is crucial in gathering the information for a complete EIS.
Recreation Around Black Rock: Benton County, Port of Sunnyside, Yakima County, and YBSA are in the process of adopting an interlocal agreement to explore the recreational opportunities and benefits associated with Black Rock. YBSA met with Yakima County Commissioner Mike Leita to explain the importance of adopting the interlocal agreement.
Olympia Meeting: Members of YBSA will be meeting with the Governors Chief of Staff and others to encourage them to stay the course and complete the Black Rock Feasibility Study. The Governor has indicated numerous times her support of the Black Rock project.
YBSA Board Activities: Several planning meetings were held this month.
1. Contracts with Benton and Yakima Counties and the City of Yakima have been signed for 2006. Their continued support is an important part in getting Black Rock completed.
2. Discussed present and future fund-raising as we are determining how much money is required for YBSA to operate effectively now and in the future.
3. We are reevaluating our expenses of the past to better understand what will be required to meet our goals in the future.
4. We are considering better methods of communication with those who have supported the Black Rock effort to-date
Updates have been given to the following: labor organizations, city and county employees, Yakima Central Labor Council, and Carpenters Local 770.
Meetings were held with the Port of Sunnyside discussing the importance of the recreational component of the Black Rock project.
BOR has attended our board meetings and provided an update on the feasibility study.
Discussions were held with the Regional Director of the Department of Ecology Derek Sandison about the remaining timeline, financing, and the SEPA document of the Black Rock Feasibility Study.
YBSA Monthly Report February, 2006
YBSA Monthly Report
February, 2006
Olympia Trip: YBSA continues to pursue a broad base approach in support of storage in the Yakima Basin. During the February 2nd trip to Olympia at a meeting set by Rockey Marshall in the governor’s conference room, we met with Ron Judd, the governor’s senior staff person; Keith Phillips, water policy staff for the governor; John Little, political coordinator for the Northwest Carpenters Union; and Bob Abbot, political coordinator for the Northwest Labor Council. Concerns about the progress of the Black Rock Feasibility Study being performed by the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) and the possible additional cost to complete the study were discussed. Also discussed were the SEPA and NEPA process and how the Columbia River Initiative (storage) might delay the progress of the Black Rock Study and the question of why the BOR had not contracted with the Yakama Nation to perform the culture, fish, irrigation and water rights portion of the Feasibility Study. The Yakama Nation component is required within this important study. Without meaningful participation in the study by the Yakama Nation, there will be no new water reservoir infrastructure. Ted Strong explained the BOR promise of including the Yakama Nation in the Feasibility Study has not materialized as expected by the Yakama Nation, and the Nation is rapidly losing patience in supporting this fine project because of the BOR’s performance. The success of the Umatilla Project with its productive fish returns, and enough water for the community and irrigators even during drought years was pointed out.
YBSA met with Senator Honeyford, Representative Chandler, and Representative Newhouse in the Senator’s office to review what was happening in the legislature and at home in regards to Black Rock. Proposed legislation to insure that the Black Rock Reservoir be included was reviewed and that possible language be added to the proposed legislation to make sure the Yakama Nation be included in the Feasibility Study on a contractual basis. Some time was spent discussing how financing might be secured to build the Black Rock Reservoir as well as keep the Black Rock Study on track. This would ensure that the Columbia River Proposal not detract from the goal of eliminating the water crisis in the Yakima Basin.
Black Rock is well known in Olympia. Throughout the Capital Campus the YBSA group was greeted with, “here are the people promoting Black Rock”.
Washington D.C.: Charlie de la Chapelle will be leaving Wednesday evening for Washington D.C. to meet with Washington’s Congressional Delegation and others. The discussion will revolve around cost and progress of the feasibility study, the participation by the Yakama Nation in the study, and how to expedite the study’s resolution.
State Legislation: YBSA was pleased with the passing of ESHB 2860 “Water Resource Management in the Columbia River Basin” which includes Black Rock Reservoir. Representative Dan Newhouse reported that at 5:00 pm Tuesday the House of Representatives passed the Bond Bill to finance the Capital Budget which includes $200 million to implement ESHB 2860. The House and Senate’s legislation will go to conference committee and then to the Governor for signature.
BOR: BOR presented information gathered on the alternatives evaluation of Bumping Lake, Wymer, and the Kachelus to Kachess pipeline to the stakeholder groups (irrigation, fisheries, SOAC, etc.). The BOR gathered feedback from stakeholders to finish the alternatives report. The Bureau will be sending a letter to each stakeholder explaining the report. Within the next two or three weeks the Bureau will complete the alternatives evaluation and forward the document for an internal review. It will be made public a few months thereafter.
Recreation Around Black Rock: The Port of Sunnyside, Benton and Yakima Counties, YBSA, and others are preparing to study the recreation potential around Black Rock Reservoir including a Master Planned Resort.
YBSA Activities: YBSA continues to hold informational meetings throughout the Yakima Basin presenting updates on the feasibility study. The fundraising effort is continuing, and we are getting closer to our goal for 2006. Everyone deserves a thank you for their continued participation.
YBSA Monthly Report February, 2007
YBSA Monthly Report
February, 2007
Executive Committee Meeting: The 2007 budget was discussed at the Executive Committee meeting. Preparation of the budget was postponed while YBSA reviews the response to the packets sent asking for financial assistance. A plan of action for the next two years was discussed. The BOR will take up to a year preparing the study prior to releasing it to the public for the Environmental Impact Review.
Washington D.C.: Rockey Marshall is representing YBSA in Washington D.C. He will meet with Senators Murray and Cantwell, Representative Doc Hastings and others. Cassidy and Associates will schedule meetings with other federal agencies.
Meeting with Kristin Eby: Rockey and Chuck met with Kristin Eby from Senator Cantwell’s office. Discussed the $2.5 million the BOR needs to complete the Storage Study, the Senators continued support for the Black Rock Project, how the new Congress will address budget issues, and when and how we can get help writing legislation that addresses the environmental issues in the Yakima River Basin to include all the water and fish problems.
Meeting with Yakama Nation: Sid, Charlie and Chuck met with Phil Rigdon and Tom Ring of the Yakama Nation. The discussion centered on how the Yakama Nation would develop projects for fish enhancement with or without Black Rock. YBSA stated fish enhancement and more clean, cool water will only exist with a completed Black Rock Reservoir. The Black Rock Project will benefit fish, agriculture (Wapato Irrigation Project), and our municipal and industrial growth for the next 75 to 100 years.
Phil acknowledged the Yakamas have a contract with the Bureau of Reclamation and will continue to work toward completion of the Yakima River Basin Storage Study.
Realtors: John Hodkinson organized a meeting with the Yakima Realtors. YBSA’s presented the Recreation and Economic Development Study and asked the realtors to endorse the study and send letters of support to other organizations. We answered questions about power generation, jobs, and the progress of the Storage Study. YBSA indicated we needed their help in promoting the project and would appreciate some financial support. The Black Rock Project needs to have support from all interests in the Yakima Basin.
Roundtable: YBSA received a letter form the BOR to participate in a roundtable group to review the Storage Study goals, look at suggested alternatives with potential for meeting the Storage Study goals and refining methods to be used in comparing the alternatives. The roundtable will not be a formal advisory group or a decision making body. YBSA will participate.
Senator Murrary’s Office: Rockey met with Jaime Shimek from Senator Murray’s Office. She’s new and was gathering information about Black Rock. Her position is Legislative Assistant on Agriculture and Department on Interior Matters. She stated YBSA should reduce the BOR request for $2.5 million and that it’s too early to move on legislation to address the water and environmental needs of the Yakima Basin.
Meetings Attended: Charlie spoke to the Northwest Professional Women Mortgage Brokers group about Black Rock in the Tri-Cities.
Sid spoke to the Washington Society of Professional Engineers in the Tri-Cities.
YBSA attended the Roza-Sunnyside Joint Board Meeting.
Upcoming: YBSA will be the program at the Yakima County Conference of Governments meeting on March 21, 2007.
YBSA Monthly Report February, 2009
YBSA Monthly Report
February, 2009
Review of “No-Action”: The Yakima Basin Storage Alliance reviewed the choice by the Bureau of Reclamation of the no-action alternative based upon a cost benefit ratio in the Storage Study. No-action leaves the Yakima Basin without sufficient water for the future. Also, the Department of Ecology used the Bureau’s estimated costs and included a small fraction of the benefits. Ecology did not take into consideration in their Integrated Water Resource Management plan that Bumping Lake expansion violates all existing policies by building a dam on an active river and the results of the Climate Change Study which predicted a decreased snow pack of nearly 30% by the year 2020. Both the Bureau and Ecology decisions would leave the Basin without an option to acquire additional water. YBSA felt it was necessary to ask the Bureau to delay the Record of Decision and continue the Study. The Bureau of Reclamation should identify and analyze the best cost alternatives for supplying additional water. A more complete watershed analysis of the Black Rock Reservoir as a component of an integrated Yakima River system needs to be completed. Additional time is needed to answer the three questions asked by Congress; improve anadromous fish habitat by restoring a more natural river flow, improving the water supply for proratable irrigation districts by providing at least 70% irrigation water during dry years, and meeting municipal water supply needs for population growth to the year 2050. With no plan to find the water needed to prevent droughts every few years, YBSA is requesting along with Benton and Yakima Counties a continuation of the Storage Study with an appropriation to accomplish the objectives stated in Federal Law.
Letter to Governor: Chairman Sid Morrison delivered a letter to Governor Chris Gregoire asking for her to support by requesting a Record of Decision delay and seeking the “redirection” of the study. YBSA is willing to step back and let a different level of government see if they can work with both the state and federal findings and meet the criteria established by Congress. This has been proposed by Yakima County and it deserves the opportunity to be successful. YBSA will be at the table, and so will the Yakama Nation, the irrigation community, state and federal fisheries, and the many other players whose futures depend on a reliable water supply.
Copy of Letter: A copy of the letter to the Governor was given to Representative Frank Chopp, Speaker of the House, in the Washington State Legislature and to David Johnson, Executive Secretary, State Building and Construction Trades Council. They agreed to send a letter to the Bureau of Reclamation suggesting a delay in the Record of Decision on the Yakima River Basin Storage Study.
Proposed Bill Language: The following is the proposed Bill language that was sent to Senator Maria Cantwell’s Office. The Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Bureau of Reclamation, shall continue and complete an integrated feasibility study in which BOR starts with the total water needs then find the least cost alternative which combines a Columbia River exchange with the Yakima River; in a comprehensive plan of water storage, water conservation riparian habitat restoration and fish passage measures to meet the 3 congressional criteria; irrigation supplies, normalizing instream flows and municipal supplies. The BOR should maximize this investment value for salmon recovery in the Yakima, climate change scenarios, recreational development opportunities and the integration of pumped-storage to reduce taxpayer burden and stimulate a new economic driver for Central Washington. There are authorized to be appropriated $1.5 million to complete this feasibility study.
The letter sent to the Bureau of Reclamation for a delay and a copy of the comments to justify the extension of the Storage Study can be found on Yakima Basin Storage Alliance web site at www.ybsa.org.