YBSA Monthly Report September, 2013
YBSA Monthly Report
September, 2013
Drilling at Potential Sites: The Bureau of Reclamation is continuing the drilling at the location of the proposed dam sites for the enlargement of Bumping Lake Reservoir and the new Wymer Dam which is located on the east side of the Yakima River Canyon. Both sites have to be evaluated to determine if the sites are capable of providing the support necessary to construct the two new dams. Drilling is also being done to evaluate the possible location of a tunnel to connect Lake Keechelus to Lake Kachess. This project could provide additional water to increase the amount available in Lake Kachess that could be used to pump additional water from the original lake to the Yakima River during drought conditions.
Seattle Times Article: The Seattle Times article, “Longtime Foes Unite Over Water Plan for Eastern Washington” discusses the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan and its implementation strategy. The all-for-one strategy has brought unity by providing something for everybody. The overall price is estimated to be at least $4.2 billion in 2012 dollars. The plan is proposed to be completed over a 30 year period.
The article asks the following:
- Where the money would flow.
- Climate: “Something is different”.
- Economic benefits in question.
- Big hurdles remain
See the complete article at http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2021921558_yakimawaterxml.html