Monthly Report Archive

YBSA Monthly Report May, 2006

YBSA Monthly Report
May, 2006

Salmon Restoration Roundtable: YBSA, with Ted Strong’s leadership, is continuing to work toward a Salmon Restoration Roundtable showing how a big Black Rock Reservoir will benefit salmon recovery in the Yakima River. Speakers, such as Bill Ruchelshaus and Jim Waldo, will be invited to speak.

Meeting with Phil Rigdon: Board members met with Phil Rigdon, Deputy Director of Natural Resources for the Yakama Nation. Phil stated that the Yakama Nation always wonders if what is promised will happen at the end of the day. The history of the promises made to the tribe and the record of keeping those promises has not been good. He also asked the following questions: “Will the plan for Salmon recovery associated with Black Rock provide access to reaches above the present reservoirs? Will a block of water be designated and set aside for fish needs? Will Black Rock’s existence provide sufficient water to create a more normative Yakima River?” He also stated the Yakama’s successful fish supplementation facility (hatchery) at Cle Elum needs a more normative flow of water in the Yakima River. With that flow they think Coho runs can be re-established in the Yakima River. Phil also expressed the concern of the Yakama’s that the cost of Black Rock might reduce or eliminate funding of current programs managed by the Yakama Nation. Sid Morrison stated YBSA wants to follow and support the Yakama Nation’s lead on what the Yakama’s see is required to restore fish.

Breakfast Meeting at Ellensburg: YBSA board members presented a program and an update on the progress of the Black Rock feasibility study at the Ellensburg Small Business Educational breakfast meeting. Kittitas County Commissioner David Bowen organized the meeting which included a good cross-section of people from Kittitas County. Our presentation was well received, and the group voiced their support for the project.

Suncadia Contact: Chuck made contact with Suncadia to discuss a salmon festival this fall in the Cle Elum/Roslyn area. Jean Krisle, Director of Community Relations for Suncadia, attended the Ellensburg presentation and during discussions after the breakfast meeting indicated Suncadia was very interested in working with YBSA to plan and possibly host the festival.

Charlie med with Miles Kolhs from Growers-Shippers and discussed possible funding of the salmon roundtable, the salmon festival, and/or the economic study.

He also talked with Mike Poulsen, a member of Representative McMorris’ staff, about Black Rock.

Charlie made a presentation to New Vision which included an update on the study.

YBSA was notified by Representative Doc Hastings that $2.5 million was included in the House of Representatives budget.

YBSA is continuing our policy of meeting with County Commissioner candidates.

Benton County passed a Resolution supporting a master site plan feasibility analysis at Black Rock reservoir.

Yakima County plans to place the interlocal agreement supporting the master planned resort at Black Rock on the June 6 agenda.

Below is a report of the Recreation Economic Analysis meeting with the Bureau of Reclamation.

Purpose: Discuss analysis of potential benefits of recreation opportunities at the potential Black Rock Dam site.

BOR Representatives: Jerry Kelso, Norbert Reis, Kim Mc Cartney, and the team of Rick Vinton and Jon Platt, economists from the Technical Service Center in Denver

Committee Designing the Proposed recreation development study: Max Benitz, Benton County Commissioner; Mike Leita, Yakima County Commissioner; Amber Hansen, Port of Sunnyside; and YBSA representatives

Answers to the following question posed by the committee should be included in the economic analysis of Black Rock.

How losses incurred because of the lack of water in the Yakima River Basin will be evaluated?

How the gains in the basin will be established once Black Rock Reservoir is operational?

How the Bureau intends to measure the benefit of additional water for salmon recovery? This impacts commercial fishing, sports fishing, recreational benefits and the needs of the Yakama Nation.

How tourism activities both on and near Black Rock Reservoir and in the Yakima Basin will impact agriculture?

How not having to deal with the endangered species act, the clean water act, and other mandates that are geared for fish recovery will allow for a more orderly economic growth in the Yakima Basin?

How additional water will benefit the wine industry creating an atmosphere that will eventually develop into another Napa Valley?

Rick Vinton and Jon Platt, the study team, stated their mandate is to evaluate this project measured on its effect on the national economy, productivity, and goods and services. They also indicated there is a regional economic development account that must be considered by reviewing the impact the project will have on this region. Jon Platt stated the study has to fall within BOR guidelines. Recreation at Black Rock will be similar to other existing reservoirs and our study should use those projections. Jon indicated the committee should look at the following when developing the study: boats; fishing; new development such as boat ramps, marinas, hotels, golf courses and other amenities; distance to travel to the designated resort recreational area; and amount of time spent at the destination should be considered.

Jerry Kelso stated the study prepared by our committee would be included in the BOR economic report. The Bureau indicated that the fish side of the economic study is very important to the cost benefit ratio.