YBSA Monthly Report October 2022
Storage: The five reservoirs are at 33% of capacity which is a little more than the stored amount from last year at the same time. Lake Cle Elum, the largest reservoir, is at 29%. Inflow of water to the reservoirs is at 423 cubic feet per second (cfs) and releases are at 655 cfs.
River Flow: The flow in the lower Yakima River continues to be low and water temperatures during the summer were hazardous to the survival of salmonoids. Part of the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan (YBIP) is to increase the survival and population of returning salmonoids in the Yakima River. Their approach has been holy inadequate. See the article: Rising temperatures will shift timing of water availability, amplifying vulnerabilities in Columbia River Basin over next 20 years.
Fish Recovery: Grant awards were made by a state board for salmon recovery. Nearly $76 million was awarded including funds for the Yakima River Basin. The article about this award can be found in the September 29, 2022 Northern Kittitas County Tribune. Federal officials visited Rimrock Lake to announce $400K boost for a fish project. The article about this award can be found by clicking on the Yakima Herald link.
All the proposed projects would be more successful with additional water in the Yakima Basin. Don’t forget all the benefits that could be achieved with additional water from the Columbia River. Remember your vote is very important!