Monthly Report Archive

YBSA Monthly Report June 2019

Water Availability: Ecology forecasts the total natural water supply available to the Yakima’s three watershed comprising 6,150 square miles will be 75 percent of normal, May to September. Hence drought was declared in the Upper Yakima, Lower Yakima and Naches watersheds this spring.

This also means some irrigators will receive a smaller ration of water, and others will be shut off. Irrigation supports a $4.5 billion agricultural economy in the Yakima Basin, where the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation manages five reservoirs to deliver water to irrigate 464,000 acres of farmland and to release water in pulses to support salmon. For additional information on how the drought affects the Yakima Basin Click Here from the Yakima Herald Republic.

Cle Elum Dam Fish Project: An innovative first of its kind multimillion-dollar project to move salmonoids from Lake Cle Elum back to the Yakima River is progressing toward completion. The increase in the capacity of the lake will provide additional water for the fish to navigate the Helix and provide more water in the river for fish to return. For more information Click Here from the Yakima Herald Republic.

Pump Storage Workshop: On June 24th TRIDEC (Tri-Cities Economic Development Association), YCDA (Yakima County Economic Association), and YBSA (Yakima Basin Storage Alliance) hosted a workshop in the Walter Clone Center in Prosser. The value of pump storage project: the benefits of power generation, fish and agriculture were covered.
Yakima Basin Funding Update: $40 million for Yakima Basin Integrated Plan mostly for fish enhancement and $4.2 million for Yakima River improvements have been appropriated.

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