Monthly Report Archive

YBSA Monthly Report January, 2017

YBSA Monthly Report

January, 2017


Renewed Emphasis on Water Needed: The Presidential Election is over and cabinet and other positions have been filled. A renewed emphasis on the importance of the water needs for agriculture and fish in the Yakima Basin should be revisited with the new administration.

Yakima Project Hydromet Report: As of January 31st, the Yakima Project Hydromet system status report (Yakima River Basin) reports that the present capacity of the 5 reservoirs is at 47%. Water entering the 5 reservoirs is 93% of normal and released from the reservoirs is at 63%.

Group Voice Concerns with BOR Riverware Model: A hydrology report on the effects of Lake Kachess drawdown has been completed. A coalition of individuals and organizations supporting transparency and science-based decision making with regard to water policy in the Yakima Basin have requested and analysis of the reliability and validity of the BOR Riverware Model software for predicting claims of the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan. This analysis is now available and should be an agenda item for presentation and discussion at the next YBIP Workgroup Meeting.


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