YBSA Monthly Report June, 2014
YBSA Monthly Report
June, 2014
Keechelus-to-Kachess Conveyance: The Keechelus-to-Kachess Conveyance pictured below shows the possible routes to move water from Keechelus to Kachess to augment the quantity of water necessary to make the Kachess drought relief project workable
Kachess Pumping Plant Alternative: Pumping plant alternative shows the possible location of pumping plants that would be used to withdraw water from below Kachess Dam and the shoreline of the lake when the maximum amount of water is withdrawn.
Cle Elum Fish Passage: The fish passage facility will allow fish to move from Lake Cle Elum to the Cle Elum River during maximum drawdown of the lake. When fish return they will be trapped and hauled from the Cle Elum River to the lake.
Potential Project Costs: The potential construction costs, continued operational costs, and mitigation costs for both projects will need to be estimated. A determination of who will be entitled to the water and who will pay still has to be decided.
*This is a follow-up to the May 2014 Monthly Report the following provides additional details on the Lake Kachess and Lake Cle Elum Projects.
Go to www.ybsa.org for additional information.