Monthly Report Archive

YBSA Monthly Report January, 2007

YBSA Monthly Report
January, 2007

Press Conference: On January 3, 2007 at a press conference, Sid Morrison presented an overview of the Recreation and Energy Studies. The purpose was to inform the public that the value of recreation and energy exceeded the Bureau of Reclamation figures posted in the benefit portion of the Storage Studies cost/benefit ratio. He also invited everyone to a briefing by the two consultants that performed the studies at 2:00 pm, January 8 in the Yakima Convention Center. The briefing included a report on fish and wildlife in the Yakim River and the Black Rock Reservoir presented by Ted Strong.

Recreation and Energy Studies: John Nelson and Larry Felton presented their findings from the Recreation and Economic Development and the Energy Studies. The presentation was made at a public briefing held at the Yakima Convention Center The reports included information that was not included in the Bureau of Reclamation Storage Study. The Recreation Study showed a $2.8 billion increase and the Energy Study a $240 million increase over the BOR calculations. A large crowd attended the briefing, asked questions, and commented on the project.

Critique at Scoping Meeting: YBSA presented a critique to the Bureau of Reclamation at their scoping meeting. The critique included information no in the Storage Study on recreation, power generation, construction/jobs, fishery use/fishery nonuse, and irrigated agriculture which resulted in an increase of more than $6 billion in the benefit category of the cost/benefit ratio. If anyone would like a copy of the critique send your request to

Process to complete Storage Study: Discussions were held with Jerry Kelso (BOR) and Derek Sandison (DOE) about the process to be followed in the next 2 years to complete the Storage Study, which would lead to a “record of decision”. The BOR’s notice of intent to prepare a combined NEPA and SEPA report was published in the Federal Register. A scoping process is being conducted to prepare the environmental document for the public to comment on.

Executive Committee Meetings: The YBSA Executive Committee held meetings to discuss our response to the BOR Storage Study at the scoping meeting, and distribution of the information we compiled on the value of the Black Rock Project. YBSA is going to provide additional communication to the public emphasizing the value of the Black Rock Project. We need to continue fundraising to move forward and push for a positive conclusion of the Black Rock Project.

Presentations: Presentations were made to the Sunnyside Rotary, the POM Club, and the Roza/Sunnyside Joint Board.

Sid Morrison participated in the dedication of the Hanford Reach Interpretative Center in the Tri-Cities.