Monthly Report Archive

YBSA Monthly Report February, 2006

YBSA Monthly Report
February, 2006

Olympia Trip: YBSA continues to pursue a broad base approach in support of storage in the Yakima Basin. During the February 2nd trip to Olympia at a meeting set by Rockey Marshall in the governor’s conference room, we met with Ron Judd, the governor’s senior staff person; Keith Phillips, water policy staff for the governor; John Little, political coordinator for the Northwest Carpenters Union; and Bob Abbot, political coordinator for the Northwest Labor Council. Concerns about the progress of the Black Rock Feasibility Study being performed by the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) and the possible additional cost to complete the study were discussed. Also discussed were the SEPA and NEPA process and how the Columbia River Initiative (storage) might delay the progress of the Black Rock Study and the question of why the BOR had not contracted with the Yakama Nation to perform the culture, fish, irrigation and water rights portion of the Feasibility Study. The Yakama Nation component is required within this important study. Without meaningful participation in the study by the Yakama Nation, there will be no new water reservoir infrastructure. Ted Strong explained the BOR promise of including the Yakama Nation in the Feasibility Study has not materialized as expected by the Yakama Nation, and the Nation is rapidly losing patience in supporting this fine project because of the BOR’s performance. The success of the Umatilla Project with its productive fish returns, and enough water for the community and irrigators even during drought years was pointed out.
YBSA met with Senator Honeyford, Representative Chandler, and Representative Newhouse in the Senator’s office to review what was happening in the legislature and at home in regards to Black Rock. Proposed legislation to insure that the Black Rock Reservoir be included was reviewed and that possible language be added to the proposed legislation to make sure the Yakama Nation be included in the Feasibility Study on a contractual basis. Some time was spent discussing how financing might be secured to build the Black Rock Reservoir as well as keep the Black Rock Study on track. This would ensure that the Columbia River Proposal not detract from the goal of eliminating the water crisis in the Yakima Basin.
Black Rock is well known in Olympia. Throughout the Capital Campus the YBSA group was greeted with, “here are the people promoting Black Rock”.

Washington D.C.: Charlie de la Chapelle will be leaving Wednesday evening for Washington D.C. to meet with Washington’s Congressional Delegation and others. The discussion will revolve around cost and progress of the feasibility study, the participation by the Yakama Nation in the study, and how to expedite the study’s resolution.

State Legislation: YBSA was pleased with the passing of ESHB 2860 “Water Resource Management in the Columbia River Basin” which includes Black Rock Reservoir. Representative Dan Newhouse reported that at 5:00 pm Tuesday the House of Representatives passed the Bond Bill to finance the Capital Budget which includes $200 million to implement ESHB 2860. The House and Senate’s legislation will go to conference committee and then to the Governor for signature.

BOR: BOR presented information gathered on the alternatives evaluation of Bumping Lake, Wymer, and the Kachelus to Kachess pipeline to the stakeholder groups (irrigation, fisheries, SOAC, etc.). The BOR gathered feedback from stakeholders to finish the alternatives report. The Bureau will be sending a letter to each stakeholder explaining the report. Within the next two or three weeks the Bureau will complete the alternatives evaluation and forward the document for an internal review. It will be made public a few months thereafter.

Recreation Around Black Rock: The Port of Sunnyside, Benton and Yakima Counties, YBSA, and others are preparing to study the recreation potential around Black Rock Reservoir including a Master Planned Resort.

YBSA Activities: YBSA continues to hold informational meetings throughout the Yakima Basin presenting updates on the feasibility study. The fundraising effort is continuing, and we are getting closer to our goal for 2006. Everyone deserves a thank you for their continued participation.